Parallel with his ongoing consulting practice, Art Center hired Mr. Bruce as a consulting ‘Vice President of International Relations’ in January ’92. He served as liaison to establish and manage the development of an advanced international design institute in Kyoto, as an extension of Art Center in Asia.
Kyoto Project
Working with Kyoto's Mayor Tanabi, Kyoto's Governor Aramaki, and the Heads of Chamber of Commerce, Tsukomoto and Inamori, he designed a program of events to gain the support of local Kyoto industries and encourage public opinion for the new institute. From April '92 – December '93, Mr. Bruce organized, budgeted and managed the 'Kyoto / ACCD International Design Conference'.
Kitakyushu Project
Bruce organized, budgeted and managed the 'Kitakyushu / ACCD International Interactive Media Conference' in Kitakyushu, Japan. Like the Kyoto design conference, it raised Japanese industry and the public's awareness to the advantages of good design, good design institutions, technology, communications and the importance of media in the future. Bruce continually worked with the President of Art Center.
Samsung Project
In November '94, along with the school's President and Chairman of the Graphics, Mr. Bruce met with Kun-Hee Lee, Chairman of Samsung, and his staff to discuss and plan product, multimedia and automotive design curriculums and an academic structure for the 'Innovative Design Lab. of Samsung', ids—the first and only internal, corporate design institution for improving design ability, creativity, competitiveness, and awareness to relevant global issues. The purpose of this program was to lay the ground work for Samsung's design strategy. From January '95 – September '95, Mr. Bruce was a consultant to Samsung through Art Center College. In parallel, he consulted with the Arnell Group, NYC, to interpret research information into a global branding strategy for Samsung Electronics.
A professor at University of Illinois, Urbana – Champaign, IL, School of Art and Design, Mr. Bruce taught product design concentrating on the creative process—help students to think differently and in a way that is more relevant way than they were taught; see past various cultural mindsets and look at problems from many different vantage points. He advised in all aspects of their problems— concept development, human factors, and the development of CD-ROMs and models for final presentation. He advised the school's committee for future planning, and served as advisor to several graduate and engineering students and their projects. He advised students at NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications), in Beckman Institute, on projects that designed better interfaces for Virtual Reality and advanced visualization techniques with full-body, step-into VR environments.